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Sunday school 

Sunday School

9:45 AM- 10:45 AM

The nursery is available for newborns to 2 years old.


High School through Adult

We have several classes to select from each quarter.   

Classes cover a broad range of subjects from pure Bible study

to the application of biblical principals to specific areas of life.


Junior High- 6th through 8th grade

Our focus is learning to develop a personal relationship

with Christ by studying His story in both the Old and

New Testaments.


Children Ages 2 through 5th grade

Classes available grouped by ages or grades. Teaching is

hands-on, spending time on the application of the Biblical

lesson learned each week.





Homeschool co-op

Calvary Baptist Homeschool Co-op, CBHC, operates as a Christian ministry under the elders and leadership of Calvary Baptist Church, to support and partner with other Christian homeschooling families in the Owosso and surrounding areas by being a ministry that encourages parents in their commitment to educate their children at home with a Christian Biblical Worldview and help supplement it with a Christ-centered co-op. We desire to offer cooperative learning through enrichment activities and elective classes in a community environment that helps build relationships and friendships between parents, students, and church members. Learn more here

Image by Element5 Digital
Playing Foosball

Young at heart

The name says it all, this group has been there and done that, and they are still doing it.  They have taken the good and the bad that life has dished out and are coming around for more. They meet every month for a life celebration; they eat, they laugh, sometimes they sing; but they always have a great time. If that sounds like you, come on, join in.


Calvary Baptist Church

650 W South St, Owosso, MI 48867

Ph / Fax (989) 723-6663

Join Us Sunday

Sunday School


Study & Prayer 


9:45 am - 10:45 am

11:00 am         

6:00 pm   



Contact Us

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

12:00pm - 4:00pm 

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