To fulfill our commitment to be “devoted…to the apostles’ teaching” we are challenging you to commit to reading the Bible daily. There are three levels to this challenge. You pick the one that is best for you. [Feel free to share which level you are committing to or keep it to yourself.]
Level 1: 1 chapter/day (most days). You will read through the New Testament and Psalms once in one year.
Level 2: Typically, 4 chapters/day. You will read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice in one year. (Using the M'Cheyne Reading Plan)
Level 3: Anywhere from 10-15 chapters/day. You will read through the entire Bible in 90 days! This will require about 30 minutes/day.
When you sign up you will receive a daily reminder of that day’s reading in your email. Not only will this inform you, but it is intended to help you stick with your commitment. You sign up by creating an account at the top right corner of the page.
A very important part of the challenge is accountability. By signing up you are committing, not only to reading, but also to posting that you have read. It could something as simple as “read it,” or you could seek to be an encouragement to others by posting something that specifically challenged or encouraged you from the reading. [Only those who sign up will be allowed to post.]
Any questions that you have can be posted in the comments and we will try to answer them in a timely fashion.